EVOS M5000

Revolutionizing your imaging routine

The EVOS XL, EVOS FL Color and EVOS FL imaging systems (Cat. Nos. AME3300, AMEFC4300 and AMF4300) have been discontinued and replaced by the EVOS M5000 Imaging System.

The novel design EVOS M5000 microscope incorporates all major capabilities of the three discontinued models, while also providing additional features. With a high-resolution CMOS camera, the ability to capture three fluorescence channels plus transmitted light, or four fluorescence channels without transmitted, and a user interface designed by biologists for biologists, the EVOS M5000 delivers publication-ready images with a user-friendly workflow. Expanded features include a novel LED-based RGB illumination scheme for imaging in true color. Examples include: H&E stained tissue slices, autofocus, Z-stack capability, fast channel switching through a motorized cube carriage, built-in automated cell counting and confluence measurements, connection to the Thermo Fisher cloud, and compatibility with the EVOS Onstage Incubator. The EVOS M5000 microscope is a workhorse for cell imaging labs across a broad range of applications and imaging requirements.

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