Use advanced search with Jira Query Language JQL Jira Service Management Cloud
This is due to the fact that the search query is executed over each field in turn, and the result set for each field is combined to form the final result set. Hence, an issue that matches the search query based on one field, but fails based on another field will be included in the search result set. We also have a downloadable cheat sheet to keep close on hand as you perform searches with JQL.
This basic AQL query would return all objects for which the Owner is “Ted Anderson”. Note the quotations around “Ted Anderson”, since there is a space in the value name. Use JQL functions in the Advanced view of the issue navigator.
Combining references, functions and AQL
The following query computes the number of users that participated in each campaign. Build a new collection by applying the provided function to each element of the input collection. The query engine creates and populates a params object inside the global context.
This example shows you how to create a Jira app that uses the REST API. We want to look through all the comments
on the issue and add a little tooltip that will pop-up when you hover over a link to a Jira issue. To simplify the REST requests, you can use the small helper library called restkit. This library is not strictly necessary – after all, REST is just an HTTP. You also rely on pygraphviz to do the actual graphing for you too. You should just receive a response with a status of “201” with the full JSON representation of the added comment.
Perform searches based on the end of the current year. Perform searches based on the end of the current month. Perform searches based on the end of the current day. Returns issues that have an SLA that has completed at least one cycle. Search for issues that are assigned to a completed Sprint. Returns issues that whose most recent SLA has missed its goal.
In the example we are creating an employee (Entity)
with two addresses (child Value Objects). Then we are changing employee’s age and one of his addresses. Query with childValueObjects filter is run and both age and address changes are selected. Since there are no other employees in our repository, byInstanceId() and byClass() queries return the same result.
Searches for issues linked or not linked to an issue. Search for issues where a particular custom field has a particular value. You can search by custom field name or custom field ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to a custom field). Search for issues that belong to a particular component(s) of a project.
Search for requests that required approval and have a final decision of approved. The use of the reserved word OF is optional in this expression. what are JQL queries and how to use them The following inner and outer join operation types are supported. This switch affects queries for Changes and also
- Each of the numeric built-in reducers accepts an optional first argument – an accessor – that instructs it how to convert the input object to a numeric value.
- Read more about Shadow query scopes, profiling, and runtime statistics in
the Javers.findShadows()
javadoc. - Using “WAS IN” is equivalent to using multiple WAS statements, but is shorter and more convenient.
- If the issue cannot be found via an exact match, JIRA will also look for the issue in a case-insensitive way, or
by looking to see if the issue was moved.